Product Information

Crocodile purse, Alligator purse:

Finding a high-quality purse, is like finding a beautiful treasure.

Crocodile skin purses and alligator skin purses are generally considered the most valuable purses in the world, they are rare, expensive and difficult to get. Alligator also has more three dimensional and smoother feel as compared to the crocodile skin, so you can keep this in mind when buying the purse. Alligator is also one of the most in demand raw materials by makers of luxury items like purse, handbags, backpacks, luggage, clothing and more. A crocodile purse is synonyms with luxury, elegance and style. Alligator leather are generally viewed as more luxurious leather, with softer hide and more unique symmetrical scale patterns. Women appreciate the elegant qualities of this leather, and are aware that carrying a crocodile skin purse or alligator skin purse nowadays means a status symbol of class and magnificence. When it comes to choosing a purse, please be mindful of the stitching and the craftsmanship, it determines the durability of the purse.

Crocodile Purse and Alligator Purse Buying Guide:

How to take good care of your alligator purses and crocodile purses:

The purse made from leather of crocodile and alligator are very precious, and if kept properly, they could last for years. To maintain the exotic look of these purses, a special care is needed. Here are some of the ways that could help in maintaining the shine, texture, and beauty of purses:

Periodic care:

Simply keeping crocodile purse and alligator purse dry and clean could be one of the best ways to keep them maintained. Special care has to be taken while using the polish. The polish only made for crocodile and alligator purses should be used. There are some of the cheap cow related polishes available in the market that may reduce the shine of purse leather. For ideal use, people should clean the leather of purse every few months. One of the best conditioners for the crocodile and alligator purses is beeswax. Gentle rubbing of beeswax on the crocodile leather could provide the shine and conditioning to purses.

Proper Storage:

If the crocodile purse and alligator purse are not in use, then they should be kept in a cool and dry place and regular cleaning of purses should be done to maintain their shine and brilliance.

Repairing the skin:

The repairing of purse leather is a task that requires lots of care to keep them maintained. Some of the scratches in the purse leather could be fine, but this may further lead to dryness on the leather made from skins of alligators and crocodiles. This dryness reduces the shine of purses making them look weary and old. Sometimes in order to repair the damage, the new leathers are soaked into mineral or neatsfoot oil for some time so that they become flexible and the dryness caused by the damage could be reduced.

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